Subscription Box

Joy . Bliss . Journey

Next Box Ships on 2nd July

3 Months Gift


YOUR DETAILS section will receive immediate email confirmation, so if you want it to be a surprise or not revealed until a special date, please ensure this is YOUR (THE BUYERS) details.

Please add the Gift Recipient's details on the order confirmation page.

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Each gift subscription is a pledge to self-care, offering a curated selection of luxurious products, exclusive rewards, and an element of surprise. Invest in someone special and their mental health.

Terms and conditions apply. By supplying your email and phone number, you agree to receive information and marketing communications from Purple Pamper Products. You can opt out of these at any time.

3-Month Gift Subscriptions:

Payment: Total subscription fee is due upfront at the time of purchase.

End of Term: The subscription concludes at the end of the 3-month period. There are no recurring fees or renewal obligations.
Cancellation Policy: The usual distance selling 14 day cooling off period applies and you must send me an email within this time to [email protected].

Partial Refund Policy: In my commitment to transparency and simplicity, I've implemented a no partial refunds policy. This means that once you've embarked on your journey with me, your gifted subscription is set to deliver its full course of joy and discovery until the end of the paid period.

This policy ensures that both the anticipation of upcoming surprises and the integrity of your investment are preserved, without the complications of partial refunds.

Your happiness and satisfaction are paramount to me. I believe this approach keeps things straightforward and fair, allowing me to focus on delivering the best possible experience to your gift recipient.

Email: [email protected]

Text/Phone: 07533 059 902
Main Site:

Copyright 2024 Purple Pamper Products presents Joy.Bliss.Journey

Business Address: Boston, Lincolnshire, England, UK